在我们的 Artificial Intelligence Concentration 程序, learn various approaches to Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning that will help position your future career in one of the hottest job markets.


Would you like to be an expert in Artificial Intelligence?


在我们的 Artificial Intelligence concentration 程序, you will learn various approaches to Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning and you will position your future career in one of the hottest job markets.

You will study topics such as Machine Learning, 神经网络, 数据挖掘, 深度学习, and other applied areas such as Autonomous Driving, 机器人,  and Data Analytics.

All 计算机科学-related 程序s feature access to numerous state-of-the-art labs including: Computer and Network Security Lab, Computer System Lab, Virtual Reality Lab, Artificial Intelligence Lab, and Microcomputers I and II Labs.

Students in this concentration receive a Bachelor of Science in 计算机科学.

The 程序 in 计算机科学 is accredited by the Computing 认证 Commission of 教唆.


  • You want to add enhanced and hands-on knowledge of computers that will ensure high-level job opportunities.
  • You will have labs in Computer Networks and Network Security, 计算机系统, and Microcomputers I and II
  • Our faculty are researching image and video processing, wireless sensor networks, distributed computing, virtual and augmented computer graphics, 网络安全, 社交网络, and connected and autonomous vehicles.